Case Type: Endangered Missing
DOB: Aug 2, 1995 Sex: Male
Missing Date: Nov 1, 2007 Race: Biracial
Age Now: 13 Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
Missing City: GREENWICH Weight: 105 lbs (48 kg)
Missing State : NY Hair Color: Brown
GREENWICH -- Police looked for Jaliek L. Rainwalker. Rainwalker was last seen on Thursday evening, when his father, Stephen B. Kerr, told him to go to sleep around 9 p.m., police said.
He was reported missing Friday morning at about 9 a.m., police said.
Rainwalker's father went to check on his son once, around 7 a.m. Friday morning, and the boy appeared to be in his bed.
Greenwich Police Chief George Bell said the boy put articles in his bed to make it appear that he was there.
When Kerr went in to wake his son shortly after first looking into the room, he realized the boy was missing.
Police believe Rainwalker to be a runaway, and because of criteria for Amber Alerts involving immediate danger, an alert wasn't requested, Bell said.
Police would not comment about whether they believed foul play to be involved.
A note and a piece of paper with the word, "Albany," were found on the kitchen table at Kerr's parents' home, where the two were spending the night, said Cambridge-Greenwich Police Chief George Bell.
The paper appeared to be the type of sign a hitchhiker might hold, Bell said.
The note sparked the interest of police, but Bell wouldn't discuss Rainwalker's letter further, other than to say it could have been taken several different ways.
The note read, "Dear Everybody, I'm sorry for everything. I won't bother you anymore. Goodbye, Jaliek," said Rainwalker's mother, Jocelyn McDonald. "Initially, I interpreted it as a runaway note. But then later in the day, you're going around and around -- 'Where could he be? Where could he be?' -- that I thought it could be suicidal," McDonald said. "It's very scary to think he would hurt himself and not have anybody around to help him."
Rainwalker had been in trouble for threatening a younger child and didn't want to face consequences, McDonald said.
The threat is what sparked the overnight stay at Kerr's parent's house while his parents were out of town. McDonald wanted to be sure Rainwalker wouldn't hurt one of their other four children, she said.
Rainwalker has a history of violence and has a medical condition that involves homicidal and suicidal tendencies, Bell said.
Rainwalker has never attempted suicide, but has spoken about the subject, McDonald said.
The boy was not on medication at the time of his disappearance, Bell said. He does not have an arrest record, according to police. McDonald said Rainwalker entered her home at the age of 7 as a foster child, and was adopted when he was 9. He was described as a troubled child with a hard past, who also had a charming side.
At the time of his disappearance, Rainwalker's parents were trying to find him psychiatric help.
"Believe it or not, it's really difficult to find services in this area," McDonald said.
Rainwalker, who likes skateboarding, books and music, is a home-schooled student and has two half-brothers in the Albany area. Rainwalker met them once, during a supervised visit about two and a half years ago, Bell said.
Police are concerned that Rainwalker hasn't turned up yet, and with dropping temperatures, the boy may be in danger.
"It's cold, he's hungry. He doesn't have money," Bell said. "He hasn't surfaced. That bothers me.
"It's not your average runaway. Right now, it's been too long, in my opinion. He's got to come in, he's got to get warm."
Police were planning to distribute fliers, Bell said.
Rainwalker may be wearing black sneakers, blue jeans and a yellow fleece pullover, according to the "missing child" flier.
He has golden skin and lime-green eyes, McDonald said.
The search for the boy will continue today.
Anyone with information regarding the location of Rainwalker is asked to contact the Cambridge-Greenwich Police Department at 692-9332.
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